18 Hilarious Beach Fails That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 4:34 pm
By:Mike Litzler
Beaches are the best summer vacation spots; we all love to visit them. The day summer starts, people start visiting beaches for various activities. With so many people, it's sure to bring a lot of fails with it because stupid and funny people are everywhere. Here are 18 photos of hilarious beach fails ever.
4.Sneak Attack
This woman thought it was a smart idea to bring a banana into the water with her. She didn't attract sharks with the food, but these monkeys look very hungry. Rather than dropping the food and getting out of there, she appears to be reasoning with the monkeys. Meanwhile, there's a monkey behind her plotting a sneak attack. Too bad When Animals Attack is no longer on the air, because this woman would have been the perfect incident.

5.Kiddie Pool At the Beach
The irony of this picture speaks for itself. Kiddie pools are great for those days you can't take your child to the beach. For some reason, however, this family decided to bring a kiddie pool to the beach. One could argue that they brought the child there to enjoy the sand, but she's not even on the sand.

6.Sleeping in the Water
Santa Claus made his way down from the North Pole to relax. Lying in water can be soothing, but this looks like an accident waiting to happen. One strong wave and Mr. Claus is going to go toppling over. If he wanted to enjoy the water so much, he would have been better off just lying in it like the rest of the normal people on the beach.

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