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This Funny Meme About Vapers!

Sunday, Jul 9, 2017, 12:28 pm

The person who created this meme seems to hate vapers a lot! In fact, a lot of people hate vapers and there are a lot of vape memes. There are several reasons for that, and the most important one is that many of us tend to confuse giant vape clouds with smoke. Vape clouds are just water vapor, and they disappear in seconds, whereas cigarette smokes linger in the surroundings for about 20 minutes. Secondhand exposure to vape isn't dangerous, but the only disgusting thing about it is that you are inhaling something that came right out of someone's mouth and lungs!

This Post Belongs To 12 Funny "Kid Who Needs To Fart" Memes 

This Funny Meme About Vapers!


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