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Halle Berry Has 6 Toes

Monday, Jul 4, 2016, 7:09 am

It is no secret that Halle Berry has 11 toes. She has an extra toe on her right foot. The condition is called polydactyly. Polydactyly is the abnormal growth of an extra toe or finger. The condition is not at all dangerous. However, it can cause a person severe discomfort based on the proximity and positioning of the extra toe or finger. Well, the extra toe or finger may look little weird to us, not for those who have it. People get used to it. In most cases, a simple surgery can remove those extra body parts, but most people prefer to keep them as an identity mark. Halle Berry decided to keep it, as well. 

This Post Belongs To People Who Were Born With Extra Body Parts 

Halle Berry Has 6 Toes

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