15 People Reveal The White Lies They Said That Went Too Far
Sunday, Aug 30, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
A small lie can change your life! Sometimes, you may be forced to live the lie for a longer period. If you could remember, your parents probably taught you not tell even a single lie. They said so because you need to keep lying to cover up one small lie! A simple no-harm lie needs about a hundred other cover-up lies. Check how these fifteen people got their lies go too far than they expected.
7.This Classroom Lie
On my way to campus, I tried to jump some stairs on my bike and ate pavement. When my professor asked why I was late, I froze and said I got hit by a car. I got an extra credit for coming to the class after 'getting hit by car'!

8.A Cool and Intelligent Lie
Cop pulled me over for talking on my phone and I was seven months pregnant at the time. I grabbed a water bottle and doused my pants in water. Since I was heading to the hospital area for a checkup anyway, I told the cop my water has broken. She escorted me to the ER.

9.When You Don't Adopt But Buy a Puppy
I got a dog and told everyone I found his litter left in a storage unit, so I had to adopt him. I didn't want anyone to know I got him from a puppy mill.

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