15 People Reveal The Craziest Thing They Have Witnessed At A Party
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Can you even imagine a party without dumb people or people doing some crazy stuff? Oh yes, every party has those moments. However, sometimes, things go out of control, making us witness some highly awkward or deeply disturbing scenes at parties. Read fifteen crazy and insane things happened at parties, as shared by people. This is must read list for all the party freaks out there! Hysterical laughter guaranteed!!!
10.This Party Pooper
After a night of wine pong and tacos, my roommate had explosive diarrhea on his way up to his room. The shit just flowed down the stairs, and the party promptly ended.
11.So Much Happened in One Single Night
All in one night I saw:
1. A guy gets bottled with a full bottle of New Zealand wine, started gushing blood and had to get stitches
2. A cocaine-induced orgy (4 guys five girls) in the walk-in closet of the host's master bedroom
3. Literally a clown showing up mid-party with two family meals of Popeye's chicken
4. A 100 cup game of beer pong (50 vs. 50)
12.This Ouch Moment
I was at a house party back in college in a really nasty house that was wall to wall people. The whole living room was being used as a dance floor and because there were too many people for the house's foundation to handle, the entire living room floor collapsed. I guess it's not that crazy, but watching a bunch of intoxicated half-naked women tries to crawl out of the giant hole was pretty entertaining.
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