15 People Reveal The Craziest Thing They Have Witnessed At A Party
Thursday, Aug 20, 2020, 4:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Can you even imagine a party without dumb people or people doing some crazy stuff? Oh yes, every party has those moments. However, sometimes, things go out of control, making us witness some highly awkward or deeply disturbing scenes at parties. Read fifteen crazy and insane things happened at parties, as shared by people. This is must read list for all the party freaks out there! Hysterical laughter guaranteed!!!
13.When Fire too Wants to Join the Party
House got set on fire because the speakers were full volume + too many people + sweat. Speakers sparked on mesh. Mesh caught fire. Fire expanded. Drunk man splashed tequila to take out fire. Fire got bigger. Everyone scattered. Party was over.
14.And This Lady... Who Peed in the Kitchen
A girl passed out. She woke and tried to find the bathroom. I pointed her in the right direction and went to pass out myself. I woke up the next morning and found her sitting at the kitchen table, pants and underwear at her ankles, and a large puddle of piss on the floor.
I very quietly, but quickly left.
15.This Poor Little Kid
I was 20, I was at a rave/party around 4 am and I see this little kid about twelve years old. I asked him if his parents knew where he was. He pointed at a woman dancing with a group of people and said, "that's my mom right over there."
I'm pretty sure some of our readers must have witnessed some really crazy things at parties as well. Oh, Don't be shy, tell us all about it in the comments on our page, We love to hear them. :)
By the way, Have you ever gotten Drunk and did some stupid stuff? Of course, you did! Here are 15 crazy things every drunk girl has done in her life.
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