7 Bizarre Kickstarter Campaigns You Could Fund
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 8:36 am
Mike Litzler
Kickstarter is an excellent connectivity platform for both entrepreneurs and investors. It has helped millions of people around the world to raise small to medium-sized fundings to support their ideas and build prototypes. Kickstarter is one place where you find a lot of enthusiastic and highly creative entrepreneurs. Creativity is good, but too much creativity can sometimes be embarrassing. Over the years, there have been many overly creative Kickstarter campaigns that are little shocking and funny at the same time. Check these seven weird Kickstarter campaigns that may well make you laugh!
#4 Plane Writing Stupid Things On Clouds
If you ever watched cartoons, you must have seen stupid things written on clouds with planes but what if you can have your word written up there? Well, A guy actually did it by crowd sourcing on kickstarter, the campaign was successfully funded for $7000 and when the final day arrived the guy could only write "how do i land?" across the L.A. skyline!

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