12 Female Celebrities Who Never Had Plastic Surgery
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 12:01 pm
Tony Williams
They may or may not look stunningly gorgeous, but these 12 female Hollywood stars preferred to retain their natural look by not going under the knife in a bid to look more beautiful or correct minor physical flaws. The natural Hollywood beauties are a perfect example why one need not necessarily be knocking the door of a plastic surgeon to shine up in Hollywood. In an era where reconstructing body parts have become as simple as treating a common cold, we must admit that natural beauties are a rarity! Find out the 12 female celebrities who never had a single plastic surgery.
#8 Teri Hatcher
Once a rape victim, Teri Hatcher has had botox in the past, but she has now went to the other extreme and has been quite adamant that she is not going to have anything else done for the rest of her life. She has even started to post pictures of herself coming out of the shower to show her wrinkles.


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