12 Amazing Notes Ever Left By Neighbors
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 6:10 pm
By:James Fraser
Unless you are extremely rich and own a real big villa, you have to deal with neighbors whether or not they are good. Most people will have good people around them, while some have to deal with at least one douchy in their community. Here are twelve notes left by good and responsible neighbors everyone of us want to have next door!
7.Cookies as Token of Apologies
We have one more nice person in display here! He apologized to his neighbors for disturbing them by running an air compressor in the middle of the night. He says it was a mistake, and even offered cookies as a token of apology. This man perfectly knows how to turn hate into instant love!

8.He Must be God
It's very hard to believe that people like these do exist on the planet! Changing houses can be a time consuming tasks, especially figuring things out in the new house. When we have people like these living next door, lives will be much better. Unless you are grade-A introvert, or privacy is your high priority, you can never ever hate neighbors like these!

9.Parties are Unpredictable
We all turn small house parties into rave parties that goes for whole night! People who are living next to this guy would have been troubled by his small going away party, but his apologies should correct things between him and his neighbors.

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