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15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 9:24 pm

What Halloween treats are you making to surprise your friends and family this Halloween? Food is a big part of Halloween celebration. Most people try to make some interesting or scary looking recipes on Halloween. However, not all people end up making them correctly. Here are fifteen pictures that show how people tried and failed at making Halloween treats they saw on internet.
10.Halloween Brain Cake

This brain cake is scary and gross. Forget about eating, some of us don't even want to see a cake like this in real life. It is indeed a great effort by someone. We know it takes lot of time and effort to make recipes like these. Good attempt there to make a brain cake, but better luck next time!

Halloween Brain Cake-15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

Halloween Brain Cake-15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

11.Frozen Banana Ghosts

'Frozen banana ghosts' is yet another simple Halloween recipe anyone can make. You just need bananas and white chocolate to make them. This is one of the easiest recipes in the world that even a kid can prepare. We have no idea how some people still managed to mess up this recipe, which you can see from the right image.

Frozen Banana Ghosts-15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

12.Frankenstein Rice Krispies Treats

These are just rice krispies treats, but with a 'monstrous' touch. This Frankenstein rice krispies treats recipe is a perfect treat for Halloween. It is not all that difficult as you just need to dip treats in chocolate and frost them. We don't know what exactly went wrong with the krispies treats, which you can see in the second image. They were melting!

Frankenstein Rice Krispies Treats-15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

Frankenstein Rice Krispies Treats-15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails

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