15 Funniest Halloween Recipe Fails
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 9:24 pm
By:James Fraser
What Halloween treats are you making to surprise your friends and family this Halloween? Food is a big part of Halloween celebration. Most people try to make some interesting or scary looking recipes on Halloween. However, not all people end up making them correctly. Here are fifteen pictures that show how people tried and failed at making Halloween treats they saw on internet.
13.Pumpkin Pound Cake
This pumpkin pound cake, which was a Halloween special recipe, looks yummy. Recipes like this are somewhat hard to make, and you should make them only if you are skilled enough to do that. Someone tried to make a pumpkin pound cake, and just nailed it! Check the two pictures and you will find why.

14.Chocolate Peanut Butter Spider Cookies
Spider cookies too are one of the most popular Halloween recipes. If you are capable of baking cookies, you should be making these spider cookies as well. These spider cookies look very cute. If you are into baking, it's worth giving these peanut butter spider cookies a try. Don't forget to notice the second picture!

15.Pumpkin Bundt Cake
Pumpkin shaped Bundt cake in the first picture looks great! Though it didn't come out well in the second picture, we need to appreciate those who tried to make that cake. They didn't pick the right color. It looks like they had problems in putting on the topping correctly. As we said earlier, baking isn't an easy thing, especially if you are a beginner.

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