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15 Hilarious Dog Texts

Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 8:35 pm

Dogs are the most loved animal species on this planet. Have you ever wondered what it will be like to own a dog that can actually talk? If a dog can speak, will it be talking to us in an obliging manner, as it always behaves, or will it talk to us like our friend who cracks jokes on us, or with us? 
10.Who is Wasting the Toilet Paper?

This ‘Mummy Dog’ says it is using the toilet paper to fuel its imagination, while all humans use it to wipe their a$ses. No exaggeration, the dog means it! 

Who is Wasting the Toilet Paper?-15 Hilarious Dog Texts

11.When the Muffin Tastes Unusually Good

Owners of dogs are quite used to finding regular foods taste wonderfully good or horribly bad. The owner here was happily munching a blueberry muffin that was licked by his dog. The other day, we heard a lady telling her peers about an unusual smell and flavor in her chocolate cake.

When the Muffin Tastes Unusually Good-15 Hilarious Dog Texts

12.World’s Biggest Secret, Unearthed

Finally this little rude dog learned the hardest truth of its life. “Humans are attacking us, not those lifeless vacuum cleaners,” said Ted, the Terrier to its friend!

World’s Biggest Secret, Unearthed-15 Hilarious Dog Texts

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