15 People Who Had One Job And Failed Terribly At It
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 9:53 pm
By:James Fraser
We all make mistakes. Unfortunately, some people fail at times when they should not. Their fate doesn’t end there, as it often attracts a camera somewhere nearby to catch the ‘fail’ moment, so the rest of the world can see and laugh. Nevertheless, these failing people have one job, and failed terribly at it.
1.Second Biggest Sinking in History after RMS Titanic
Whoever made this phone had one job. The one and only specialty of this phone should be its water floating feature. The phone, however, sunk in the water, and sat there like a dead duck (even dead ducks float)! While people are laughing at this public display of shame, Dick Smith has been called in for an urgent meeting with his team.
2.Some people Just Want to Watch the World Burn
If cups on our planet could ever speak, this cup would have told us two words; KILL ME! Whoever made it, for whatever purpose had one job, and miserably failed at it. A moment of silence for this amputee coffee cup; you did not fail, people have failed you.
3.Finish Him, Just Finish Him
If you are a professional at something like this poor guy, you had better hire skilled people, not potatoes. The lady, who is supposed to showcase this man’s iron knees to the world, has pulled off a great stunt and sent this man straight to a hospital.
4.Looks So Much like Most Ex Boyfriends
Hey you gate, you need to cover and close the entire driveway. You are barely over the driveway, come in a little. Can’t? Try! Well, not just this gate, but the people who put the gate there had one job. It is too small to get the job done.
5.Hired at 7 PM, Fired at 11 PM
You have people on this planet fail at even the smallest things like putting on a character costume, and doing nothing but roaming around and waving at people. Look how this man grew Winnie the Pooh a full size wiener by putting his pants on backwards! Fail!
6.An A-MAZE-ING Escape
The creative team should have had a little more focus on the maze, at least ten percent of what they had in naming this maze. They had one job.
7.Psychological Disorders for the Rest of Life in 1… 2… 3…
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer suffered an unexpected neck break! Spend on quality toys or otherwise you have to spend big at the psychiatrists when the kids grow up. Horrors and nightmares like these will lead to terrible psychological disorders and fears in children.
8.People Fail So Hard that It Starts Raining Bells
This overexcited man shook the bell so hard that it flew off from its shaft, and nearly killed that lady standing over there. This guy’s job isn’t ringing bells, so he did not have the job, but still failed at it terribly!
9.When Stupidity Kills an Innocent Fan
The fan was living happily until a really stupid person buried it alive, fitting a projector shaft right next to its wings. Why does someone have to do something like this? These are definite signs that evolution is slowly but surely going backwards!
10.You Had One Job
This is among one of the many reasons people need to go to school. If you don’t go to school, and have one job, this is how things will end up. Shcool? Not cool at all!
11.Have this Gun, Go Save the Country
You had one job, soldier! Army is among the very few areas of work where we don’t see many mistakes, particularly in drills and parades. This poor soldier failed just when he shouldn’t and become a topic for discussion among all enemy countries.
12.Wireless Vacuum Cleaner Spotted
We are in an age of wireless mobile charging, so why not wireless vacuum cleaning? Look how this janitor is cleaning the surroundings, with only a vacuum cleaner’s hose! Looks good, right? Feel like getting one for you? Wait a minute! She had one job and she failed it.
13.No One Reads a Code
Remember, no one reads programming code no matter how great it is. The error looks so small from a coding perspective it cannot even be considered a bug. But for common people, it is something that makes them mock the developers or the makers. So the company that made this POS system had one job, and it failed at it.
14.Rescued… Wait… it’s Gone
Let us thank everyone who involved in this rescue for their concern and efforts to save a kitty that was stuck on a power pole. Now let us exclude this man in the picture from the team we have just thanked, because, he let the poor kitty go. He had one job.
15.Cameramen Had One Lens
What are you doing, Mr. Cameraman? You had one lens and you are supposed to show this woman to the world. Instead, you have decided to focus on those two odd looking mikes and have them right in the middle of the frame. You had one job and you failed at it terribly.
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