15 People Who Quit Their Job In Style
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:12 pm
By:James Fraser
Most of us hate our jobs, but continue working because we have to. Millions of employees around the globe are unhappy about their work or workplace because of one or other reasons. We all know it's rare and difficult to find a perfect job. Many of us are so frustrated that we can't stop thinking to resign from company all day, all night! Here are fifteen people who thought they had enough and finally said bye to their employers in style!
10.Gifted This Cake to HR Manager
Resignation letters are too mainstream! This is why this person has decided to dump letter for a cake, and gave it to his HR manager. Imagine what the HR manager's facial expressions will be after receiving this cake! This is super silly!

11.This Time on Cupcakes
If you think they are just cupcakes, you are wrong! If you can read, it's actually a resignation. The employee served his or her two week notice on cupcakes! We aren't sure if the company accepts it or not, but this is one cool way to say good bye to an employer.

12.This Poor Employee
It's not an unknown fact that most of the times it's the hard working people that face rough times at workplace. People who are sincere, who give their everything to the company, are most likely to make a painful exit. We feel bad for this employee as you can see in the picture.

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