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15 Times Kids Were Found Being Silly And Funny

Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 9:23 pm

Kids are always funny! Most of us love kids, and love them even more for their cute and funny ways. At times, they do things that make us laugh, as long as we are not their parents! Here are 15 kids who were caught on camera doing silly stuff. We are sure you will have a good time watching these pictures.
4.He Looks Cute Now

Toddler: ‘I have made this weird ‘big head – no hair’ thing beautiful.’
Parent: ‘It’s not a thing. He is your brother. You should call him brother.’
Toddler: ‘Whatever, it looks cute now!’
Moral of the story: Never ever leave your toddler and infant together alone in the home!

He Looks Cute Now-15 Times Kids Were Found Being Silly And Funny

5.He Found a Worm Inside His Pajamas

It looks like he had enough of this weird looking ‘water splashing’ worm inside his pajamas, which spoils all his clothes every day, and never let him sleep in peace! No choice, you have to live with that, kid!

He Found a Worm Inside His Pajamas -15 Times Kids Were Found Being Silly And Funny

6.The Music Maker Baby

If you think that this baby has put the headphones in wrong, you are mistaken! Like an iPod, this kid too is making music from the inside! Anyone who’s interested to hear a good song playing, put those headphones your ears. 

The Music Maker Baby-15 Times Kids Were Found Being Silly And Funny

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