15 Images That Show Striking Difference Between Single And Married Life
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 4:15 pm
By:James Fraser
Marriage is like a trip to Jurassic Park. It looks like heaven and excites you at the beginning, but you only realize that it is a mess when giant dinosaurs start chasing you down! Some say marriage should be the ultimate destination of every relationship, and the others think tying the knot is one of the terrible things in life a person could ever do. Let people think what the heck they want to, and let us quickly look at the 15 pictures that show the striking difference between single and married life. Disclaimer: Don't blame us if your fiancé or fiancée decides to stay single after reading the topic!
4.Your Social Media Profiles Finally Get Some Rest
Ladies, you will no longer receive the random friend requests, or messages like 'can we be friends'! Even your friends double check what they are typing before commenting on your photos or status updates!

5.Your Belly Starts Thinking It is a Balloon
Marriage assures a nice round beer belly to men, if they don't care about fitness. Marriage makes even men fat, not just women. Men usually gain weight after marriage because their partners take care of the home from cleaning the floors to keeping bed warm. Bellies grow big in no time if your wife can cook well!

6.Your Head Will Slowly Turn Into a Soccer Stadium
The picture says it all! Hair is one of the many things men will miss after marriage. Marriage doesn't cause hair loss, but the age does. Stress is often linked to increased hair loss, so men who are into bad marriages are at increased risk of losing hair.

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