12 Funny Kevin Hart Memes That Are Sure To Make You Laugh
Wednesday, Aug 19, 2020, 10:35 am
By:James Fraser
Kevin Hart is one of the most famous personalities in the American entertainment industry. He is an actor, standup comedian, writer, and producer. When we think of Kevin Hart, the first thing that comes to our mind is his comedy. He is an ideal person to become a meme, and the internet community rightly made him one! Kevin Hart memes convey harsh realities, everyday struggles, and personal opinions in a humorous way. Check out these 12 hilarious Kevin Hart memes that are sure to make your day!
10.Foreign Language Problems
"Hearing people speak another language: 1% I wish I could speak that. 99% those bitches better be not talking about me!"
The struggle is real especially when they speak something while staring right at you! You don't know what they are talking about, and unfortunately, you can't go and ask them why they are doing so! If you happened to be a foreign visitor in a non-English speaking country, you better avoid confrontation and leave the place like you have nothing to do there.

11.Shaq And Kevin Hart!
Anyone looks small when they stand next to Shaq, but Kevin Hart in this picture looks like a dwarf! At 158 CM, Kevin is one of the shortest male celebrities in the United States. On the other hand, former NBA player, Shaquille O'Neal, is one of the tallest basketball stars in the United States. No wonder people pick on Kevin Hart, calling him a baby, child, etc. The good thing is Kevin Hart openly admits his physical flaw and even makes jokes on himself before anyone else makes them!

12.Owes You 30 Bucks, Buys A New Pair Of Shoes!
"When you see someone rocking new shit, but they owe you money!"
Never lend money to people unless you are badass enough to recover it. If you are a nice person who hates to offend people, lending money isn't your thing at all. People beg for money when they are in need, but get extremely offended once a lender repeatedly asks them to pay back. The poor lender then becomes an annoying person and gets ignored completely. If you are dealing with such person, forget about money, and make them pay for something else. If they owe you 30 bucks, just ask them to take you out for a drink!

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