12 Hilarious And Brutally Honest Advertisements
Sunday, Aug 23, 2020, 11:54 am
Tony Williams
Sadly, advertising has always been a blatant exaggeration of reality. In most cases, what you see on advertisements is not what you get when you buy stuff. They say never judge a book by its cover. We say never judge a product by an ad or a movie by its trailer! Brands and businesses tell a lot of lies to promote their products. Now, what if companies are honest about their products? How would advertising be like if there were stricter rules imposed on promoters that they should not take a hyperbolic approach to advertising? Check out these 12 hilarious and honest advertisements to get an idea! Trust us; the pictures are actually hilarious, no false advertising here!
#5 Lawyer
This ad is going to capture almost any man who is up against a woman in any legal case. Basically, Siona is telling men that only a woman can defeat a woman in an argument, and she's the best one for the job. A very honest ad, but she probably doesn't have many female clients.


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