12 Hilarious Photoshop Fails That Will Make You Say WTF
Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 7:39 am
Tony Williams
It's no secret. Everyone knows how Photoshop can transform an average looking girl or guy into a super model. Every picture we see on magazines, newspapers, billboards, flyers, etc. is heavily Photoshopped. Remember, our celebrity photos never come out in public until a Photoshop magician spills some magic ink on them! We aren't lying! Take a look at these before and after Photoshop celebrity pictures for proof. Coming back to this topic, we will now be showing you the unpopular side of Photoshop or any other image-editing software.
#4 A Little Helping Hand
It's always great to give a helping hand. I've heard of stubby fingers, but this is the first time I've seen a stubby hand. The hysterical part is that not only does her right hand looks like it belongs to a little person, but it doesn't even look like female hand at all. The Photoshop artist even managed to paint white nail polish on the fingers. I don't think I'd want the soda if I saw that hand coming towards me.

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