12 Hilarious Vape Memes That Will Make Lol
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 1:23 pm
By:James Fraser
If we were to list down the types of people that are hated the most, vapers would share space with the likes of feminists, vegans, etc. Vapers are just a bunch of individuals who embraced e-cigarettes over traditional smoking, and the sad thing from their perspective is that they are ridiculed even by regular smokers! Let's not talk more about why people hate vapers, and quickly check these 12 vape memes that are sure to crack you up! Remember folks, vaping is not completely safe as advertised by manufacturers, and it may still cause cancer.
10.Vaping And Electricity
To be a passionate and obsessive vaper, one needs to understand the fundamental laws of electricity such as how conduction and resistance work. They need to have a clear idea of electrical measurement units such as ohms, amps, watts, volts, etc. Without this knowledge, it is quite dangerous to play with e-cigs, especially mods. The risk of battery explosion is extremely high, so if you are new to vaping, or if you know someone who is new to vaping, just tell them that they need to learn the basic electrical laws to vape safely. Most people do that though, just as this meme says!

11.When People Say Vaping Is Gay
As we said earlier, many people hate vapers. They call them gay and often suggest vapers to man up! Why are vapers hated so much? What made them a target of the public? Here are some reasons.
1. Vapers talk about vaping to the extent that an ordinary person finds it annoying. They often advocate the habit to their friends, just like vegans or gluten-free crusaders.
2. Their obsession with blowing big clouds
3. Smokers think vapers aren't man enough to smoke real cigarettes.

12.Vapers Be Like
Vaping is unquestionably the most cost-effective way to smoke. It is 30 to 40 percent cheaper than conventional smoking. Is this meme just lying then? Well, not, not at all! Even though vaping is cheap, vapers still waste a lot of money on purchasing e-juices, mods, and other e-cig accessories. Those things are very pricey. People who obsessively vape can pretty much relate themselves to this meme!

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