15 Terrible Jokes That Are Actually Funny
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 8:38 am
By:James Fraser
This topic is a collection 15 offbeat jokes that need you to dig deep to find the joke! They sound outright terrible, but boy, when you manage to fish the humor in them, you are going laugh very hard. Nerds or wordsmiths should get the jokes straightaway. To help the rest of the people, we have neatly explained the joke. Don't read the description above the pictures unless you think you can't crack open the joke on your own! Hey, reread every joke a couple of times, and we are sure you will get it. We are saying it again; these jokes are terrible, but they are hilarious as well.
7.Why Can't Bicycles Stand on Their Own?
Bicycles can't stand on their wheels, as they keep failing and falling without support. No matter how hard you try to make them independent, they still keep failing - it's an endless vicious cycle! Here you go; another pun for pun lovers.

8.This Pterodactyl Joke
We pronounce "psychology" as "sychology", but "hiccough" as "hiccup". What happened to the letter P in the word psychology and how the heck the P sound managed to sneak in when we pronounce the word hiccough? Welcome to the English language, buddy! This pterodactyl joke is based on the weird English pronunciation rules. The letter P in pterodactyl is silent. We hope you got the joke now! Pterodactyl was one of the many types of dinosaurs. Again, why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom? Because they are extinct! Why always use a pun? Try some deadpan, peeps.

9.What's Blue and Smells Like Red Paint?
Good, you straightway knew the answer without thinking much. Now, ask your friends same question and see how long they will think to give you the answer. We bet most of them give long 'um' before they can come to a conclusion. The question sounds simpler than what it actually is.

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