15 Things You Use Daily That Are Actually Dirtier Than Your Toilet Seat
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 10:14 pm
By:James Fraser
Would it not be shocking to you if we were to say that there are many things in your home that have more germs than a toilet seat? Yes! Toilet seats sure are dirty, but let us quickly show you 15 unexpected things that are more or equally filthy.
1.Even the Germs love Dollar Bills
No one hates money! But let us give you a reason to hate it. Greenbacks in your wallet contain germs and other microbes as filthy as you find on a toilet seat. From flu causing viruses to traces of drugs, scientists found 3000 types of bacteria on a single dollar bill. We know you will not hate money even after knowing this!


2.Earphones are Bad Too
According to a research conducted by a team of doctors, harmful bacteria were found on the earphones of about 92% of survey takers. The worst part is, most of them have said that they do share their earphones with their friends frequently. Earphones are one of the few main culprits of ear infection.


3.The iBacterias and iViruses
Surprisingly mobile phones have ten times more bacteria on them than a toilet seat! Interestingly, phones are one of the few things that come close to our faces. So keeping phone on the ears or cheek is like wiping them with the inside of a toilet bowl!

4.Keyboard is the King of Dirtiness
The keyboard is the mother of all when comes to being dirty! A single keyboard is said to have 200 times more bacteria than you find in a toilet bowl. Keyboards are known for hosting a wide range of viruses and bacteria, including E coli and salmonella.


5.And Toothbrush Joins the List
Ten Million! Yes, more than ten million bacteria live in a single toothbrush. Your toothbrush is a host of different types of bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae and many more. While your brush looks perfectly clean to your eyes, these germs happily stay inside under and in between the bristles.

6.TV Remote Control
We throw the remote control everywhere; cough, sneeze and even sit on them. There’s dust, there’s food, there’s drink and there are many things you find on the remote control, including traces of feces (according to researchers). It is many times dirtier than a toilet seat.


7.Pillows are a Little Different
Not just invisible microbes, pillows actually let dust mites, hair nits and other small insects crawl in them. In addition, pillows contain dead skin cells, and germs from body secretions like sweat and saliva. Pillows are one of those few things that are worse than a toilet, and the worrying part is they get close to your face daily.


8.Door Knobs
Door knobs are surprisingly dirty. Door knobs are the first things we touch coming home after a long time out. As hands are the dirtiest parts of the body, door knobs get easily ‘germified’ by a mere touch.


9.Light Switches
Do we clean our hands every time we switch on a light or a fan? No! And that is how we pass microbes on hands to the switches. We frequently clean our hands, but not the switches. So the light switches are as bad as anything when comes to being dirty.


10.Kitchen Sink
Kitchen sinks are among those few top rated germ hot spots in the house! A kitchen sink alone hosts germs more than we find in the entire restroom. Kitchen sinks are said to have millions of bacteria per just one square inch.


11.Restaurant Menu
Apparently a restaurant menu card host as many as 185,000 germs per square centimeter, which is way higher than the toilet seat. The menu card you find in hotels is literally dirtier than a toilet seat.


Yes, it is dirtier than your toilet seat. A big percentage of refrigerators contain harmful bacteria like E coli and salmonella. Contrary to popular belief, your refrigerator is one of the most unhygienic and dirtiest things out there in the house.


13.House Floor
The floor in your house too is dirtier than your toilet seat, no matter how clean it looks. This is the reason why most of us don’t eat the food that has fallen on the ground.


Why is the handbag dirty? Because it contains many things that were listed here like money and your phone! Not just those, your hands and even the dust outside will make it dirty. And yes, it is dirtier than your toilet seat.


15.Elevator Buttons
Can you believe that elevator buttons are 40 times dirtier than your toilet seat. Researchers also found traces of fecal matter on the buttons, which is no wonder.


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