Here's What Nail Biting Can Do To You
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:00 pm
By:James Fraser
While we all think nail-biting is just a habit, it is actually more than what we think. It can be dangerous; as dangerous as it may permanently stop your nail from growing back. Some of us have this habit. Here are fifteen reasons why you should stop your nail-biting habit immediately. Some of these are very frightening.
7.Nail-biters May Suffer from Bad Breath
When something's wrong with nose, mouth or gut, bad breath occurs. There are many reasons why some people suffer from bad breath. Nail-biting is one of them. According to a report that linked nail-biting to bad breath, nail-biters bring tons of gross bacteria into their mouth from their fingernails. The awful bacteria then makes your mouth stink.

8.Nail-biting Can Cause Oral Herpes
At the end of the day, most diseases are caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Staying healthy is about staying away from disease causing germs. As we said earlier, nail-biting causes open cuts and wounds on soft gum tissue. Nail biters have a high risk of catching oral herpes or even STIs.

9.Danger of Eating Nail Polish
If you are a nail biter, and wear nail polish, we have a good news as well as bad news for you. Good news is that people who apply nail polish usually have lesser amount of germs on their fingernails when compared to those who don't.

Here comes the bad news. Unless otherwise specified by brands, nail polishes are slightly toxic in nature and can cause serious health problems due to all the chemicals you are eating when biting nails.

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