15 Beautiful Items That Are Carved Out Of Scrap
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 7:38 pm
By:James Fraser
Creativity comes in many shapes, and forms. Anything and everything can be turned into a great piece of art or craft, if you are creative enough.
Michael (or Moerkey), an artist in Australia, does exactly that, turning discarded keys and coins into bottles, lampshades and other beautiful recycled metal sculptures.
Here are 15 beautiful items made only from coins, keys and copper wires etc.
7.Bottle Crown Trophies
Bottle crowns are scrap unless they are turned into beautiful spherical trophies like these. The bottle crowns look wonderfully good with their curvy ends. These little beauties are a perfect choice, if you are searching for unique decorative pieces.
8.Large Spherical Shaped Tea Light Holder
This big tea light holder looks absolutely gorgeous, especially with those shadows it creates. Over 200 keys are soldered together to make this piece. The outside part of this sculpture is treated with UV finish for shine.
9.Cylindrical Votive Candle Holder
This good looking candle holder is made out of steel, silver and brass keys. The outer part of this piece is hand polished to give a shiny look. This is a nice and unique candle holder made completely out of scrap.
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