15 Interesting Facts About The World You Don't Know
Monday, Aug 17, 2020, 12:45 pm
By:James Fraser
When you have finished reading these facts, you will, for sure, increase your understanding of the world a little more than what you already have! Let's read fifteen random facts and incidents that are too interesting to miss out. We bet most of you never heard of these before.
10.Viagra Keeps Flowers Fresh
Other than helping men get strong erections or treating pulmonary hypertension, Viagra has a little-known ability. The sex drug can keep cut flowers in a vase fresh and straight for up to ten days!

11.A Russian Chimp Went to Rehab for Alcohol Addiction
A Russian Chimp named Zhora had to go to rehab because he got addicted to smoking and alcohol. Zoo authorities found out that a lot of visitors were actually feeding him with alcohol treats!

12.A Non-profit Organization Makes Porn to Protest Deforestation
A Norwegian non-profit organization called 'Fuck for Forest' makes forest or greenery themed porn to protest deforestation. They use the funds collected by selling paid memberships to promote greenery.

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