15 People Reveal The Crazy Things They Did After A Bad Breakup
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 11:27 am
By:James Fraser
Breakups are hard to handle. They are very painful. Almost all of us have gone through a breakup in our life. We see an ocean of them happening. In most cases, people tend to do something stupid or crazy after a breakup. If the breakup is because of a cheating partner, the reactions or revenge plots can be terrible. Here, We have fifteen people revealing the craziest things they did right after a breakup!
4.When Breakups Turn Violent
Oh man, relationships are complicated. If you are single, you better thank yourself for your decision or choice. A girl, boy and a third person... we can't tell who's going to get hurt badly. In our case, the third person got his nose busted!

5.This Raunchy Reaction
Pampering yourself is one of the many important things you need to do after a breakup! Someone did it in a funny way! Isn't the idea much better than f*cking boyfriend/girlfriend's friends and make things more complicated?

6.The Craziest Of All Reactions
How did that even worked for that guy? How can this be an act of revenge or something? Oh man, our society is f*cked up big time!

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