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James Blunt Vs. Random Person

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016, 11:02 am

James Blunt is one of the most hated celebrities. His songs are not that bad, but we have no idea why people hate him. It must be something to do with his high-pitch voice. Well, what most people don't know about James Blunt is that he is an awesome Twitter guy who posts hilarious, sarcastic and entertaining tweets and comebacks. This celebrity comeback by James Blunt proves why it's a bad idea to mock wealthy and successful people online. As you can see in the picture, James Blunt hit that random Twitter user right in his feels! James Blunt has a net worth of $18 million, and he does not need a mortgage indeed! 

This Post Belongs To 15 Hilarious Twitter Comebacks Ever 

James Blunt Vs. Random Person


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