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15 Funniest Chemistry Jokes That Will Make You Lol

Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 7:05 am

Chemistry; it's a mystery for non-chemistry people! It is an exciting subject, though. It is confusing at the same time. One got to have that complicated understanding ability in his mind and soul to take up the subject at college. There are some really hilarious jokes based on general chemistry which Chemists or chemistry students straightaway find them funny. Though the jokes take few seconds to understand, everyone else can understand them as well. Here are fifteen funniest chemistry jokes that will make you laugh. 
4.Optimist, Pessimist, and Chemist

Optimist: The glass is half full.
Pessimist: The glass is half empty.
Chemist: The glass is full of H20 and other Compounds. 

Optimist, Pessimist, and Chemist-15 Funniest Chemistry Jokes That Will Make You Lol

5.Chemists are Great Problem Solvers!

Why chemists are called great problem solvers?
Well, they have so many different solutions! 

Chemists are Great Problem Solvers! -15 Funniest Chemistry Jokes That Will Make You Lol

6.Chemistry Lab Ghosts!

What kind of ghosts haunt a chemistry lab? 
Methylated spirits! 

Chemistry Lab Ghosts!-15 Funniest Chemistry Jokes That Will Make You Lol

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