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15 Disgusting Kids Halloween Costumes Ever

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:21 pm

With Halloween just a few weeks away, perhaps, we may not find a good time to talk about Halloween costumes than now. At this time, people usually are busy working on their Halloween costumes. We have already seen a set of really cool awesome Halloween costumes very recently. Now, we will see some interesting kids Halloween costumes. By calling them interesting, we don't mean they are pretty. They are disgusting. Check out these fifteen horrible and inappropriate kids Halloween costumes.
10.Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj Costumes

These two kids look like they came directly from hell! The boy who was in Lil Wayne's costume might look fine to some of you, but that little girl looks scary and probably will greet you in your dreams tonight. She looks like a scary doll. Folks, select your celebrities wisely, if you are to use them as your costume idea.

Lil Wayne and Nicki Minaj Costumes-15 Disgusting Kids Halloween Costumes Ever

11.Minecraft Costume

This costume will make you question the sanity of the parents of this baby. Minecraft costumes are popular. They aren't that difficult to make either. It's a good idea that the parents of this baby wanted to put a Minecraft costume on him or her. However, the execution was a total failure. Next time, we hope the parents would make a costume that doesn't suffocate their baby.

Minecraft Costume-15 Disgusting Kids Halloween Costumes Ever

12.Whoa, What Was That?

Whose idea was that? It took a while for us to identify that it was actually a mermaid costume! That weird costume looks highly inappropriate and super awkward. The dad there made things more awkward by holding the mermaid costume's tail up. The longer you look at this picture, the more awkward it gets.

Whoa, What Was That?-15 Disgusting Kids Halloween Costumes Ever

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