7 Bizarre Kickstarter Campaigns You Could Fund
Friday, Aug 28, 2020, 8:36 am
By:Mike Litzler
Kickstarter is an excellent connectivity platform for both entrepreneurs and investors. It has helped millions of people around the world to raise small to medium-sized fundings to support their ideas and build prototypes. Kickstarter is one place where you find a lot of enthusiastic and highly creative entrepreneurs. Creativity is good, but too much creativity can sometimes be embarrassing. Over the years, there have been many overly creative Kickstarter campaigns that are little shocking and funny at the same time. Check these seven weird Kickstarter campaigns that may well make you laugh!
1.Ostrich Pillow
Have you ever wondered what it feels like to be an ostrich when it buries its head in the sand? If you are curious about it, then it's worth taking a look at this ostrich pillow! Some time back, a creative entrepreneur came up with an idea of creating a unique pillow that lets people sleep peacefully and happily even in noisy and brightly lit places. As you can see in the picture, you just need to stick your head inside the pillow and rest your hands in the side pockets.

2.Meat Soap For Meat Lovers
Ever had that fantasy of bathing with Meat? or smelling like meat? Then head over to this kickstarter campaign. Because sandalwood, jasmine, lotus smell soaps are too mainstream.

3.Chicken Burrito
Apparently kickstarter community appreciates projects which involve food, Noboru Bitoy wanted people to have a taste of his chicken burrito from his local Chipotle and kickstarter gave him the platform to fulfill his dream, A total of 258 backers pledged a total of $1050 to taste this delicious chicken burrito.

4.Plane Writing Stupid Things On Clouds
If you ever watched cartoons, you must have seen stupid things written on clouds with planes but what if you can have your word written up there? Well, A guy actually did it by crowd sourcing on kickstarter, the campaign was successfully funded for $7000 and when the final day arrived the guy could only write "how do i land?" across the L.A. skyline!
5.Just A Potato Salad.
This kickstarter campaign was one of the most viral campaigns of 2014 and the reason was that the project creator (Zach Danger Brown) just wanted to make a potato salad. Crazy? No. The Creator got lucky when some of his facebook friends supported him and the campaign got viral. End result? 6,911 Patato salad lovers pledged a total $55,492 and the project creator is probably making patato salad for every backer even now.

6.Grilled Cheesus Machine
This might not be the kind of kickstarter which everyone would like to fund but if you are person who sees venerated figures in food stuffs then Grilled Cheesus machine is for you, now you can have a holy sandwich whenever you want, Cheesus is there for you.

7.Largest Jock Strap
Artist Michael Barrett started a campaign to break the world
record for largest Jock strap in the world and in order to do so he only needed
$850 to break the record. But what makes me wonder is there is a world record
for a Jock Strap? Seriously? But never
the less he is now the world record holder for largest Jock strap in the world
and maybe now looking for a person to sell it. :D

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