15 Most Inappropriate Disney Tattoos Found On The Internet
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 4:18 pm
By:James Fraser
Disney characters are a popular tattoo choice. Millions of people around the globe identify Disney characters. They are cute and adorable. Most of us grew up watching Disney movies and TV shows, and we have a deep emotional connection with them. Some People choose beloved Disney characters over random designs or picture for a tattoo. Some ardent fans get Disney tattoos as a tribute to their favorite shows or characters.
We usually have an impression that all Disney tattoos are cute! In reality, they are not. Some people tattoo Disney characters in the most inappropriate way possible. They make cute characters look creepy, devilish or sluttish. Such tattoos look so horrible that they give us nightmares. As a Disney fan, you may find those tattoos completely offensive.
Check these fifteen shocking Disney tattoos that we believe shouldn't exist in the first place! Zombie Snow White… nude Ariel… psychopath Tinker Bell and many other inappropriate Disney tattoos are all set to surprise you! Check them now!
4.Don't Jump in, That's not a Rabbit Hole
Thumper's sisters seem to be very excited about this unidentified rabbit hole. What they don't know is that they will badly regret if they jump in! This Disney tattoo is silly and awkward, yet funny! Childhood ruined once again.

5.She Will Be Happy To Hear Some Lies
We got to admit that this guy has got some serious creativity. As you can see in the picture, it is a Pinocchio tattoo inked at the most inappropriate place on a man's body. We know you must be wondering why Pinocchio's iconic nose is missing? Well, the tattoo indeed has a nose, but we had to crop it to keep it safe for viewers reading this list at their work! We hope you now understood the context of this awkward and highly inappropriate Pinocchio tattoo. The guy who has this tattoo was in news sometime back after a private airline banned him from entering their flights when he flashed this tattoo to the cabin crew!

6.Snow White Again
It looks like Snow White is sweet target of all tattoo artists. It is so may be because of her popularity and good looks. Here it is, once again! Check a fan wearing an inappropriate Snow White's tattoo showing her legs and butt.

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