15 McDonald's Employees Tell The Worst Thing They Witnessed In The PlayPlace
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 1:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Kids love McDonald's PlayPlace, but as an adult, you may already know how things can go horribly wrong there. Not just PlayPlace, almost all children's play areas have some really dark secrets that many of us don't know. Now coming back to this list, we have fifteen McDonald's employees who revealed some really shocking things they witnessed at PlayPlace. These confessions will help you understand the place better and take extra care of your children.
1.When a Parent's Worst Nightmare Came True
One time my son pooped his pants in the play area. When I realized it i went up and cleaned it up. Before I was done someone told the staff about it. So I'm up there cleaning up poop and see the McDonald's employee. I said "Don't worry about it I got it all" and he said ''thanks, that's the first time that's happened." Feeling embarrassed I said "The first time a kid has pooped on the playground?" "Oh heck no, " he said ''that happens about once a week. This is the first time a parent has cleaned it up themselves."
That was enough to make me change my mind on how much McDonald's employees deserve to get paid. Sheesh.

2.Rolling Down the Shit
Some little kid shit in the twisty slide but it's in the middle of the slide the kids at the top couldn't see it, so kids would slide down unknowingly into a make shift shit-n-slide and get shit on their backs, face, back of their head, hands, etc. It was horrendously disgusting. Worst day of life.

3.And the Poor Grandparents
An old couple were with their grandchild. They sat at one of the tables that had the tubes running over it. Kid pissed in the tunnels above, piss dripped down all over the old people and their food.

4.That Was Bad
It was my first day working at McDonald's, things were going smooth until I looked underneath the floor of the playplace and found a bunch of used condoms, Resigned the first day.

5.Teens Who Turned 'PlayPlace' into 'ForePlayPlace'
Two teens were nowhere to be found, After intense search, I finally found them in the ball pits. When they left, something wasn't okay with the girl, I searched the place and found a 1-2 balls wet. When I smell it was jizz.

6.When an Employee's Nightmare Came True
Had this fat kid get stuck in it and when i was sent in to pull him out, i got sued for "reckless endangerment of a child and inappropriate contact with a child." i seriously wanted to punch the parents. fuckers got me fired and held up in court for 3 months.

7.This Drunk Lady
17 year old McDonald's worker here, a drunk lady, probably in her 30's came in and puked at the top of the slide. We found her passed out at the top following the trail of puke that traveled down it.

8.That Was Just Pretty Bad!
Kid vomited and proceeded to pick up fistfuls of chunks and throw them at other children, who then vomited.
We closed the playplace for like two weeks to have the whole thing heavy duty cleaned and sterilized by a hire-out company. A woman got pissed off that her kids couldn't play. She yelled "I'll show you clean," ripped the hazard tape off the door, broke the lock on the door, and proceeded to put her finger down her throat and barf all over.
This was right before I quit. The last thing I heard she was trying to sue our owner, stating that the chemicals in the playplace (which she broke into) made her so sick she was hospitalized.

9.Cleaning the Nasty Stuff
Current employee (fuck my life). A few weeks ago I went in the play place to throw out food some kids had left behind. I went through the whole place and got all the garbage out. I went through again for a double check and missed a happy meal box at the top level near the slide. As I approached it, I smelled something funky, I smelled sex and ran to the box quickly and saw the most disgusting thing ever. There was semen in this box. The cumbox was in McDonalds and I had to deal with it. I got garbage bags on my hands as gloves and a garbage bag to throw the McCumbox into and after disposed of the atrocity.

10.This Interesting Confession!
When I worked at McDonalds (Hired June 4th 1999, Quit October 31st 1999. That was a loooong 4 months) our closing manager would regularly let some high school kids stay later than the lobby closing time. I was 16 at the time, and the manager was in his early 20s, and obviously didnt give a shit. Often times we would just pickup a few cases of beer when we were closing on a weekend, and wed all just fuck around instead of working. (This is one reason we would be there til ~2:30am closing usually).
Above mentioned manager was later fired when someone forgot to clean up after the previous night closing antics (opening manager/store manager found a half a bottle of Absolut, and 3 cans of beer in the ice chest the next morning.) And so ended the late nights at McDonalds.

11.The Fist Fight that Scared Everyone
I worked at a McD's way back in the day (13 years ago), and before I started, a kid climbed on top of the equipment, fell off, and broke his arm. A photographer came to the store to take photographs of the equipment for the pending lawsuit. The store manager gave the okay, and the guy went out to do what he came to do. The owner of our franchise came in, found out that the guy was outside on the playground, and went out to confront the guy. After a few heated comments, the store owner starts to SHOVE THE PHOTOGRAPHER, telling him to "Get the hell off my property" with kids watching! All these kids came running into the store, screaming and crying, while parents tried to dodge the now full-out fist battle on the playground. Two grown men. Screaming and punching while kids were screaming like Jesus was on them.
I didn't last long at that job.

12.A Fat Lady's PlayPlace Adventure
I worked at a McD's in the late 90s and we had a hamplanet, think 400-500lbs, woman try to get in the PlayPlace. She got in and up to the middle level of the 3 level play tower and got stuck in a tube. We had to call 911 who had to get a crane and unbolt the tube and lift her and the tube out, then cut the tube off of her fat ass. She looked like a pig stuffed into a giant yellow straw.
Our PlayPlace was out of order for 4 months while we waited for the replacement parts. I couldn't believe her lard ass thought that was in anyway a good idea. The whole tube was bowing while she was stuck in there for like 3-4 hours. The fire department used the ladder on the ladder truck to brace the tube cuz they were afraid it would break and send her 500lb ass crashing to the floor 15 or so feet below her.
PS. Yes this was in Floriduh.

13.The Never-ending Tales of Bad Parenting
A little boy's father came up to me to inform me that a little boy (possibly his son, information not given) just "whipped it out and pissed all over the slide". I went and told my manager who shrugged it off for about 20 minutes and then finally made the new girl go with him to clean it up. I was glad cause she was a bitch (she got fired 2 weeks later (: ). When they returned the new girl told me that my manager cleaned it up, but then the father of the little boy came up to tell me that another boy was now peeing on the slide so me and the new girl went over to check out the situation and then what we saw was quite peculiar. I assume that the first boy who pissed on the slide got a couple of his friends and they were all at the top peeing down the slide making a steady stream of pee come down the slide.

14.The Scary Acts of Teens Many People Don't Know
Former manager at a semi-shading location. I had to kick teens (and occasionally employees) out of our outdoor play place for smoking weed with astonishing regularity. One time someone also tried to sell drugs there.

15.More Troubles Caused by Teens!
At the one I used to work at we all took weekly turns cleaning and sanitizing the PlayPlace. It wasn't that bad usually, just the occasional toy or McChicken left in there. It was a Sunday afternoon and my shift manager was about to go and clean the PlayPlace. He asks me to come with to carry the tool bin (a little thing to tighten loose bolts and a few sanitation devices) so of course I oblige. We round the colorful corner to see 4 girls, couldn't be more than 15-16, all sitting in one of the rounded clear tube ends flashing passing vehicles (which would explain the honking that has occurred all morning. They were immediately asked to leave and we promised not to call their parents. TLDR; Teen girls were flashing cars from the clear PlayPlace tube.

I feel sorry for McDonald's employees after reading all these confessions, I am sure all the readers here feel the same as well, But if you think this is the limit then you must read confessions from Disney employees. They have witnessed some of the nastiest things ever. Here are 15 Disney employees who confessed the craziest thing they have seen people doing at Disneyland.
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