15 McDonald's Employees Tell The Worst Thing They Witnessed In The PlayPlace
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 1:45 pm
By:James Fraser
Kids love McDonald's PlayPlace, but as an adult, you may already know how things can go horribly wrong there. Not just PlayPlace, almost all children's play areas have some really dark secrets that many of us don't know. Now coming back to this list, we have fifteen McDonald's employees who revealed some really shocking things they witnessed at PlayPlace. These confessions will help you understand the place better and take extra care of your children.
7.This Drunk Lady
17 year old McDonald's worker here, a drunk lady, probably in her 30's came in and puked at the top of the slide. We found her passed out at the top following the trail of puke that traveled down it.

8.That Was Just Pretty Bad!
Kid vomited and proceeded to pick up fistfuls of chunks and throw them at other children, who then vomited.
We closed the playplace for like two weeks to have the whole thing heavy duty cleaned and sterilized by a hire-out company. A woman got pissed off that her kids couldn't play. She yelled "I'll show you clean," ripped the hazard tape off the door, broke the lock on the door, and proceeded to put her finger down her throat and barf all over.
This was right before I quit. The last thing I heard she was trying to sue our owner, stating that the chemicals in the playplace (which she broke into) made her so sick she was hospitalized.

9.Cleaning the Nasty Stuff
Current employee (fuck my life). A few weeks ago I went in the play place to throw out food some kids had left behind. I went through the whole place and got all the garbage out. I went through again for a double check and missed a happy meal box at the top level near the slide. As I approached it, I smelled something funky, I smelled sex and ran to the box quickly and saw the most disgusting thing ever. There was semen in this box. The cumbox was in McDonalds and I had to deal with it. I got garbage bags on my hands as gloves and a garbage bag to throw the McCumbox into and after disposed of the atrocity.

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