15 Workers Who Are Doing It Totally Wrong
Tuesday, Aug 18, 2020, 4:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Workplace safety is not everyone's thing. Some people don't care about the workplace safety they were taught, and continue to do things that put the lives of theirs and people around them at risk. Here are 15 images where you will see workers who completely forgot what work place safety is all about.
1.Danger; Who Cares?
If something goes wrong, the entire place will turn into ashes. Everybody knows that it's not good idea to play with flammable gas, and that's why we see the warning signs. The worker here looks like he is not going to care any warning signs! He is happily smoking putting his and others lives in risk.

2.This Can Go Wrong at Any Second
The worker used power cables to support the ladder! If you watch closely, it's not one ladder, but two attached together. He climbed the ladder all the way up to get hold of the power cables. It's all circus out there, and if something goes wrong, it's the end for this worker.

3.When Ladder Got Hands
This double extension ladder has two of its legs in air, while a man is trying to support and balance it with his bare hands. This can go terribly wrong in many ways. These people hardly know what workplace safety is! We really hope it all ended well there.

4.Who Needs a Welding Helmet, I Have Paper
This is the funniest workplace fail that will make everybody laugh. Welding shields are there for a purpose. The man in the picture, however, has another idea when comes to protecting his face from sparks and fumes. We wonder how he can even see from back of the paper!

5.Another Workplace Fail
Have a look at this worker who is happily working under the shade of a heavy earth-moving machine, not caring about the potential danger. It looks like the machine was supported by a ramp, which increases the risk of an accident by multiple times.

6.An Epic Fail
It looks like this guy has never attended any occupation safety class. Water and electricity are fine as long as they are not together. The person in this image is happy to repair electric stuff sitting in water. Should we call him a daredevil, or a complete idiot for this stunt at work?

7.Another Dude Who Hardly Know about Electrical Conductivity
Iron is a good conductor of electricity, while things like wood and rubber resist it. This is the reason why we see electricians wearing safety boots. The person in this picture looks like he didn't even attend high school! Seriously, who will work with electricity sitting in an iron bucket?

8.I Will Cut his Ass with This Thing
This is work place failure at its best. What these people are actually thinking? If something goes wrong, the carpenter will split the other guy's ass into two. This is crazy and hilarious at the same time. We really don't have a clue how on earth that guy agreed to become a human table!

9.Down the Rabbit Hole
Who need machines when we have these supermen who can pull off great work place stunts like these? This crazy drain cleaner know how to get things done. We are not sure if the two men are supporting worker, or stopping him in his rabbit hole quest!

10.Explosive Concentration on Work
It is good to have sharp focus on work, but workers need to be aware what's happening in their surroundings. This worker has set a perfect stage for a terrible workplace mishap. We hope the man who is taking this photo have stopped a possible explosion.

11.The Irony is Strong with this One
Mark this one, as you are not going to see pictures like these everyday! The banner says 'think safety first', but the dude seems to be in no mood to care what it is saying! Now this is what we call irony. We hope the purpose behind this banner is served.

12.If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking
They think that two wood posts are strong enough to prevent this rock from crushing the worker. We think this is the case of a serious occupational safety fail. The worker is digging, which will only increase the chances of rock falling on him. Is it carelessness or lack of professional skills?

13.I Will Sit on this AC
If he ever knows what strength and stress in physics means, he will never do something like this again. Who on earth will sit on a condenser unit? The support straps are made to withstand the weight of a condenser unit only, not humans! This is another failure at work that would cost life, if something wrong happens.

14.Let Me Burn My Clothes While I Put My Safety Glasses on
This is a very interesting occupational safety fail. The person in the image is trying to put his safety glasses on, which is good, but he put his life at risk with improperly held welding torch. He could have stopped it for a while, or placed it somewhere at a secure place.

15.Train Will Just Cross this Thing
They think the train will nicely cross over those little bridges they have made, not doing any damage to the water pipe. These firemen look like they have missed all their science classes in high school. The train will destroy those little bridges unless they are strong enough to derail it!

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