15 Disney Subliminal Messages That Will Blow You Away
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 11:28 am
Tony Williams
Disney is inarguably the best children's entertainment company ever. Millions… Read More (+)
#4 The Rescuers Subliminal Scene
If you freeze a certain scene in the Disney movie, The Rescuers, then you will see that there is a little extra something in the background that should never ever be present in a children's film. Yes, that's a picture of topless woman in the background! No, it hasn't been Photoshopped. Apparently, the semi-naked woman is shown through one of the two windows, so it's not even a photo frame hanging on the wall. This picture caused a major uproar in the 90s, and Disney had to recall 3.4 million copies of The Rescuers movie DVDs.

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