24 Hilarious Female Celebrities With Beard Photos
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 8:31 am
Tony Williams
Imagine you were reading a novel, and you noticed a phrase that reads, "A bearded lady." What would your reaction be? We know you would cringe hard! Beards look good, but only on men's face. The following 24 Photoshopped pictures show top female celebrities with beards. They prove why evolution did a right thing by sparing women from having facial hair! Nothing disturbs a man more than a girl's rough and hairy cheeks! Men are going to find these photos disturbing! If you are a man with a history of suffering from nightmares, browse the topic with caution! You may want to look at these most beautiful women in the world to cool off.
#14 Michelle Obama
Michelle appears to be capable of pulling off a beard better than her own husband and that is certainly something that should concern her. She would indeed have to go for the well trimmed and looked after beard to fit in with her personality.

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