12 Hilarious Lesbian Jokes That Will Make You Cry With Laughter
Saturday, Aug 15, 2020, 7:14 am
By:James Fraser
ONLY jokes - we hope you didn't misread the title in a hurry! As the title suggests, you are about to read some lesbian jokes! Note: If you are squeamish, we strongly recommend you stay away from these jokes as you may find the humor on this topic offending. These jokes are only meant for fun, and this topic isn't a subtle attempt to insult or shame lesbians. We love lesbians! In fact, we love good people irrespective of their race, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Now, it's time we read these hilarious lesbian jokes! Jump right in!
4.Three Blind Lesbians!
What is the definition of the term, confusion? Three blind lesbians wandering in a fish market!
FISH. A topic about lesbian or girl jokes is incomplete without using this word! Why do a lot of young men often mock women, referring them to a fish? The answer is simple. They do so because they expect lady-bits to smell like candies, but when they see one, those guys get disappointed by its natural odor! Remember folks; every girl has a unique smell down there. Most of them have an okay-dokey scent, but some stench like a hellhole of dead rats!

5.Oh No!
"A teacher asked a little girl in her school, "Jessica, why did you bring a cat to the school?" The panicked little girl replied, "Because mommy said to Aunt Laura that she was gonna eat her pussy after I left for school!"
Well, that was awkward! There's a lesson in this joke that every one of us needs to understand. Don't talk anything inappropriate when there are kids around. Imagine all embarrassment one has to deal with find themselves in such uncomfortable situations!

6.Politically-Correct Term For Lesbians!
Did you hear about the new politically correct term for lesbians? It's Vagitarians!
Mark our words; we are going to see something like this for sure shortly! The term, homosexual, has become a highly offending one in the recent years. The words, gay and lesbian, are on their way to join the offending word dictionary too, as many gay people have started calling themselves queers!

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