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Awesome House Built In An Underground Pothole

Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 4:40 pm

There are people, and then there are these millionaires. Most of us count cash to spend on food, milk, supplies and other stuff, while these millionaires spend it on some incredibly cool things. Atlas Survival Shelters, an American survival and bomb shelter manufacturing company, makes and sells these awesome bunker houses that no one knows exists even if they are standing on one. Here are fifteen images of these bunker houses that are meant to protect you from emergency situations.
13.Here's the Shelter Before Construction

If you are curious how this bunker is built, you can check this picture. Atlas Survival Shelters makes these houses based on user requirements. Strong and hollow metal pipes are put deep into earth, in which they build a house like structure with all needed facilities. The company charges you based on your requirements. 

Here's the Shelter Before Construction-Awesome House Built In An Underground Pothole

14.This is the Plan

The following are some of the standard features of this bunker house.
Entry hatch and escape hatch
Living area, bedroom, kitchen area and bathroom
Electrical air circulation system
Bunk beds and furniture 
Blast valves

This is the Plan-Awesome House Built In An Underground Pothole

15.The Four Family Colony

Where will you find four such bunker shelters as you saw in the image? Of course, in a rich neighborhood! Four families can join and a make an underground colony like this. If you still wonder if these bunkers are really useful; let us remind you that these bunkers will protect you not only from wars and bombings, but also from natural calamities like tornadoes and hurricanes.

The Four Family Colony-Awesome House Built In An Underground Pothole

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