15 Mind Blowing Facts About Pokémon
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 6:49 am
Tony Williams
Pokémon is one of the biggest franchises in the world. The first Pokémon game was released nearly 20 years ago, but The Pokémon Company is still making more than $1.5 billion a year from the franchise. Most of us grew up collecting Pokémon cards, playing Pokémon games, and watching the TV shows. We still feel excited whenever we hear a new thing about Pokemon. Here are fifteen mind blowing facts about Pokémon.
#5 Clefairy WasOriginally Ash's Sidekick
When you think of Ash, you automatically picture him with Pikachu by his side. What some people don't realize is that when Pokemon, the show, was first being put together, Ash was originally supposed to have Clefairy by his side. The creators decided to switch Clefairy out at the last minute with Pikachu. They're both equally annoying, so it probably wouldn't have made much of a difference.

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