15 Celebrities You Probably Didn't Know Were Bisexual
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 12:35 pm
By:James Fraser
Sexual orientation in human beings is more complicated than you might have thought. Bisexuality is one of the three top classifications of human sexual orientation. The other two are heterosexuality and homosexuality. As the name suggests, a bisexual is a person who is sexually attracted to anyone irrespective of their gender or gender identity. Bisexuality is not uncommon. The behavior is observed in humans, animals, and many other living species since the beginning of life on our planet.
Many of our celebrities are bisexual. They believe in 'gender equality' when it comes to sex! Celebrities are known for their promiscuous lifestyle. It is this lifestyle that leads them into exploring new avenues of sex, which includes engaging in sexual encounters with persons of the same gender. Many celebs didn't hide their sexual preferences. They openly admitted to having bisexual affairs. Did you know that there are more than a dozen top celebrities who came out as bisexuals? Check these fifteen celebs who are bisexual. This topic is no celebrity gossip, as it is made based on the confessions made by celebrities themselves, or people who know them closely like their partners or friends.
1.Freddie Mercury
Freddie Mercury needs no introduction! If the world has to pick three best singers of all time, he will be there in the list. When it comes to sexual preference, Freddie Mercury is bisexual. He came out as bisexual in a TV interview saying that he would ‘sleep with anything’.

2.Megan Fox
Megan Fox is another popular star who confirmed she is bisexual in a magazine interview. She told Esquire Magazine that she had no question in her mind about being bisexual. She even said she prefer dating lesbian women over bisexuals. Despite being bisexual she had married Brian Austin Green and is one among the celebs who have married secretly and one of the hottest mother in Hollywood.

3.Billy Joe Armstrong
‘I think I've always been bisexual... It's a beautiful thing’ - ‘Green Day’ punk star Billy Joe Strong confessed back in 1994. Billy no longer wants people to discuss his sexual preferences. He now says he isn’t sure he’s a bisexual still, saying ‘I want to respect my wife.’

4.Marlon Brando
His biography revealed that he not only bedded top female actresses of his time, but also popular men. ‘I have had homosexual experiences,’ a sentence from his biography reads. Marlon Brando was known for his intense sexual appetite which he believes started when he was just four years old.

5.Lady Gaga
'You know what? It's not a lie that I am bisexual and I like women, and anyone that wants to twist this into this is a fucking lie. This is who I am and who I have always been,' Lady Gaga about her bisexuality in her own words. It's actually no surprise, She is always an open minded woman and loves to dress oddly and tries out some weird outfits

6.Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie never tried to hide her sexual preference. "[I was] surprised when I suddenly found myself having these feelings I always had for men, but for a woman, and wanting to kiss her and wanting to touch her," Jolie said in an interview. Jolie had a relationship with model Jenny Shimizu, whom she first met on ‘Foxfire’ movie sets. Jolie is also a very huge tattoos freak, Check out Jolie's tattoos.

In an interview given to Seventeen Magazine, pop star Kesha revealed that she loves both men and women. ‘I don't love just men. I love people. It's not about a gender. It's just about the spirit that exudes from that other person you're with,’ she told the magazine. Want to hear some more cool things about her? Check out Cool facts about Kesha.

8.David Bowie
Another superstar of his time, David Bowie was said to have ‘gender-bending’ relationships with other big stars. In the book ‘Bowie: The Biography’, author Wendy Leigh discussed Bowie’s sexual life. According to this book, Bowie is not only a bisexual, but also a sex addict.

‘I would consider myself bi,’ said in an interview. ’I've done stuff with girls before. But I would never be with a girl because I like... penis. But I've experimented.’ She added. She has no problem whatsoever in making her sexual preference public!

10.Drew Barrymore
Drew Barrymore took a long time to come out as bisexual. She didn't straightaway admit to having sexual relationships with women, although there were many rumors about her sexual orientation. She came out as bisexual in 2003, when she answered a question about her sexual orientation in an interview given to Contact Music. She said, "Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual."
Drew Barrymore was said to have an affair with Jane Pratt, former founding editor of Jane Magazine. Jane Pratt and Drew Barrymore were good buddies in the 90s. In fact, Drew Barrymore appeared on the cover page of the first Jane magazine in 1997.

11.Evan Rachel Wood
This one too is no secret, as Evan Rachel Wood came out as a bisexual in a twitter chat with a fan. ‘I'm up for anything. Meet a nice guy, meet a nice girl.' She told Esquire Magazine. She says she is ‘androgynous’ when comes to dating women!

12.Billie Jean King
Billy Jean King is a popular and former world’s No 1 tennis player, who has hidden her sexual preferences in the closet until 1981. Marilyn Barnett, an ex-lover of Billie Jean King outed her by filing a public palimony petition. Billie Jean King was married to Larry King in 1965, and the couple divorced in 1987.

13.Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan had affairs with women, but she doesn’t think she’s a bisexual! ‘No, I know I’m straight. I have made out with girls before, and I had a relationship with a girl. But I think I needed to experience that and I think I was looking for something different.’ She told Piers Morgan in an interview.

14.Clive Davis
Coming out as gays or bisexuals is a common thing in the entertainment industry. However, it made big news when a person as noteworthy as Clive Davis has opened up and admitted having relationships with both women and men. He said he dated many women in his life, but only two long relationships in his life were with men.

15.Michelle Rodriguez
The ‘Fast and Furious’ star, Michelle Rodriguez came out as bisexual back in 2013 in an interview. ‘I've gone both ways. I do as I please. I am too f**king curious to sit here and not try when I can. Men are intriguing. So are chicks.’ Entertainment Weekly quoted her as saying.

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