15 Weird Things Kids Got On Halloween Trick-or-Treat
Friday, Aug 21, 2020, 9:52 am
By:James Fraser
Trick-or-treating is a very old Halloween tradition followed in many countries. On Halloween day, children who are dressed in fancy Halloween costumes visit houses in their communities to ask them for treats. If kids don't get their treat, they would do a mischievous trick! Most kids get candies or toys. In some rare cases, they get weird or completely absurd treats! Here are fifteen weird things kids got on Halloween trick-or-treating(as said by them).
7.Plank of Wood
"I got a small plank of wood. Literally. A plank."
This is yet another weird treat. This kid has got a wooden plank as gift. What a wonderful idea? But as we said earlier, it is always better to get something rather than leave the property without a treat.

8.Penis Shaped Gingerbread Cookie
"A gingerbread cookie in the shape of a penis."
This time a kid has got a penis shaped gingerbread cookie. This was a truly awkward and highly inappropriate treat. Why would anyone gift such absurd things to kids? God knows! We are sure no kid ever goes to that house again.

9.Pack of Cigarettes
"A pack of cigarettes for my dad, who was trick-or-treating with me."
Candies are too mainstream for some people. A person has given a pack of cigarettes as treat to a kid. The cigarettes, however, are for the kid's dad, who was trick-or-treating with him. That wasn't a bad gift at all if the dad is actually a smoker. We hope that kid got something useful as well.
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