15 Weird Things That Most Guys Do Unknowingly, As Told By Women
Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020, 1:59 pm
By:James Fraser
Guys, do you know that women find some of your acts weird? While they all look perfectly fine and okay for you and other bros around the world, women find them really, really, weird. Check out fifteen strange things men around the world usually do. From sitting with legs wide open to patting other men on their backs while hugging them, here is a funny but cool list of weird things men do, according to women.
4.Grimace on Face While Pulling Purse out
Here's another keen observation made by ladies. Most men can relate! They say that men put a weird grimacing face when they try to take out the wallet from their pants back pockets while they sit. Most men do this. And, none of them knows why. We humans tend to put weird facial expressions while doing many things. It's time for men to think and find those situations where women too put a grimacing face!

5.Not Washing Sheets
Women find it weird when men, particularly single men, don't wash their bed sheets for months. Not only women but a UK mattress company named Ergoflex found the same thing as well, from their survey. Most men tend to think it's okay not to wash bed sheets. They are not well aware of risks linked to unwashed sheets, like skin infections.

6.Men Take Too Much Time to Poop
Women say men take too much time to poop. And as a man, you may think that they are right! Men spend little more time in bathrooms. There are many reasons associated with this behavior. Men usually do many things in the bathroom other than just pooping. They read the news, play games, check tinder, browse websites, or just ... (you know what we mean!).

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