When You Accidentally Spill The Daddy Juice!
Friday, Jul 7, 2017, 12:59 pm
By:James Fraser
"When she asks if you pulled out and you say yea."
They say that this pullout or withdrawal technique is ineffective and causes unwanted pregnancies. They want you to purchase their expensive birth control pills. You know who they are, right? Yes, we are talking about those money-greedy pharmaceutical companies! Birth control pills have terrible side effects, and they mess up the endocrine (hormone) system. If a girl is dead serious about not getting pregnant, she should ask her man to wear a condom. As a guy, if you are too worried about accidentally shooting your load inside her, you are probably not enjoying sex! Orgasms feel great, so find a way to enjoy them to the fullest.
This Post Belongs To 12 Hilarious Sex Memes That Will Make You Lol

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