12 Celebrities You Didn't Know Have A Black Ancestry
Thursday, Aug 27, 2020, 6:27 am
White people dominate Hollywood just like how they dominate many other areas! Individuals who belong to the other racial groups keep criticizing them for "whitewashing" Hollywood. Many American producers and directors prefer white people to play even the non-white characters! Their weird casting choice fuels the backlash the Hollywood white men receive, particularly from the black community. The African-Americans may have a point or two to criticize the rich white boys, but we firmly believe that they are not aware of the 12 black celebrities disguised as whites! These stars have a black parent, but they hardly look like an African-American because of their pale skin and facial features. Nonetheless, they have a black lineage. Most of the celebs don't talk about it, though.
1.Kris Humphries
Kris Humphries is a talented basketball player, but unfortunately, people remember and recognize him more for being Kim Kardashian's former husband than a sports personality! As you might have already known, Kris and Kim's marriage lasted only 72 days, making it one of the short-lived celebrity marriages. Kris is a black guy. His father William Humphries is an African-American college football star. William married a white woman named Debra, and the couple gave birth to Kris in 1985. Many people aren't aware of Kris's black ancestry, mostly because of his pale skin and light-colored eyes.

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2.Derek Jeter
This guy has to be one of the best baseball players of all time, but people do not realize that he is indeed black. His mother is a mixture of Irish and German while his father is African American, but none of that probably explains why he is so good at baseball.

3.Adriana Lima
This model is absolutely gorgeous and it has to be down to the mixture in her DNA. This beauty has some Japanese, Portuguese, West Indian, and African and you have to admit that it has certainly done something pretty amazing to produce somebody that looks as good as her.

4.Pete Wentz
Pete actually has a grandfather who was from Jamaica, so he does have some black heritage in his DNA. His grandfather actually ended up being an ambassador to Sierra Leone and he is related to Colin Powell.
5.Vin Diesel
Well it is easier to say what is not in his DNA as it will be faster because Vin has some Scottish, German, English, and his father is African American. That is one serious mix of heritages right there.

6.Dwayne Johnson
Well Dwayne has a rather interesting mix in his DNA because you may have known that he was part Samoan, and he certainly has that look about him, but he is also part black as well. Let's be honest here could you imagine him looking any other way now?

7.Meghan Markle
Meghan has an African American mother and a white father and it has certainly resulted in a rather gorgeous combination with her. She certainly does have stunning looks and of course that is going to be down to her heritage.

8.Wentworth Miller
Wentworth Miller looks white enough that many of us didn't have an idea that he's born to a black father. The "Prison Break" star's father, Wentworth Earl Miller II, is a lawyer and a teacher. His mother Roxann is a special education teacher. She is a Russian white woman with Syrian and Lebanese roots. No one had an idea about Wentworth Miller's racial identity until the famous English actor announced it in 2003. He is also one of the very few celebrities who are openly gay. He said he tried to kill himself for being a gay when he was 15 years old, but he is now fighting for LGBT community rights.

9.Gabrielle Reece
Gabrielle Reece is half-black. We might need to call her black if we were to sound politically correct! Reece just looks like any other white woman. She has pale skin and light-colored eyes. Reece hardly seems like a multiracial person. Apparently, she doesn't appear to have inherited even a single feature from his black dad. Her father Robert Eduardo Reece was an Afro-Trinidadian. Unfortunately, he died in a plane crash when Gabriella Reece was five years old. Neither she nor the black community talks about her black lineage, though!

10.Nicole Richie
Yes Lionel is not actually her father, but she still has some African American heritage. In actual fact her real father was part African American and part Mexican, but her rather exotic looks comes from her also having some Spanish in there as well.

Slash actually has an African American mother and in actual fact he has thanked her for his hair even though apart from that he does not come across as having too many black characteristics. He was also born in England, so he is not exactly what you thought he would be.

12.Mariah Carey
Believe it or not, but the $500 Million Net Worth singer Mariah Carey has an African American father and her mother is actually of Irish heritage. This is a bit of a surprise to so many people because very few of us have ever looked at Mariah and thought, yep she is black.

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