15 Celebrities Posing With Younger Versions Of Themselves
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 6:36 am
Time flies by faster than we think. Try to remember the child actors in all those movies and TV shows we used to watch when we were kids. Those famous childhood actors of yesteryears have fully grown up to be adults now. They look a lot different from how they used to appear when they were kids! Have you ever tried to compare pictures of former child actors with their present pictures? Don't you think the comparison will be interesting? We will do that for you. Check fifteen pictures that show celebrities posing with the younger versions of themselves! Don't forget to thank Photoshop for making it possible!
4.Matt Lewis
Matthew Lewis was a fat and weird looking kid when we first saw him in the Harry Potter movies. We think Neville Longbottom knows a magic spell that even Harry Potter or Hermione doesn't know! Apparently, Neville is a master of the puberty spell! He now looks as attractive as any other Harry Potter stars like Daniel Radcliffe and Tom Felton. Check the picture that shows a rather unattractive Neville Longbottom hugging the much better and older version of him! Matthew Lewis went through a couple of oral surgeries to get his crooked teeth fixed. Well, nothing's impossible if you have money!


5.Older Of A Young Person
This one is tough to take because it is basically a young person standing beside a photograph of them as a young person. For most people that would mean two images that were identical, but not when it is somebody like Miley Cyrus because boy has she changed in more ways than one.

6.Drew Barrymore
This photograph is just so very clever indeed because it looks as if the two of them are actually there in real at the same time. However, clearly that cannot happen, but do you see a difference in her? There is not really much that has changed apart from the clothes she is wearing and the color of her hair.

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