15 Celebrities Posing With Younger Versions Of Themselves
Sunday, Aug 16, 2020, 6:36 am
Time flies by faster than we think. Try to remember the child actors in all those movies and TV shows we used to watch when we were kids. Those famous childhood actors of yesteryears have fully grown up to be adults now. They look a lot different from how they used to appear when they were kids! Have you ever tried to compare pictures of former child actors with their present pictures? Don't you think the comparison will be interesting? We will do that for you. Check fifteen pictures that show celebrities posing with the younger versions of themselves! Don't forget to thank Photoshop for making it possible!
7.Which one is the youngest?
With Aaron Carter the hardest part is trying to work out which one is the youngest out of the two as it is not as easy as you think. Have they been taken at the same time? How did they manage to do a picture like this in the first place?

8.Changes To Christina
Well you have to admit that Christina has certainly changed when you compare the younger to the older her. It is not just the hairstyle that is different or the outfit, but her entire appearance and body shape. However, you can still see that it is her as her face at least still looks the same.

9.Joan Rivers
The problem with Joan Rivers is that she is fighting against her age and by the looks of her older self it is a battle that she is losing. She looks fine on the left, but on the right she has gone a bit strange, but of course she thinks she looks fab.

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