12 Famous Blondes In Hollywood
Monday, Aug 24, 2020, 6:11 am
Tony Williams
Where all the blondes are disappearing?! Well, no aliens are abducting them! Blondes are pretty much around us, disguised as brunettes. Light-colored hair is beautiful, but unfortunately, many blondes are dying their hair dark because you know... the blonde stereotype and jokes are too awful to deal with. Irrespective of stereotypes or jokes, many Hollywood blonde bombshells prefer dying their hair dark, although it isn't uncommon to find them sporting rainbow-colored hair that resembles a dusting brush! Let's fish out the names of the real Hollywood natural blondes and see how powerful the "blonde force" is!
#6 Britney Spears
Not a true blonde, The multi-million net worth Britney Spears' hair got lighter and lighter the more famous she became. That is until she shaved it all off. Now back to a full head of hair and blonde as can be, Britney is an icon in the business, still singing and hosted a season of the hit show, American Idol. Did you know Britney Spears has a fantasy sex room in her mansion?


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