15 Celebrities With Weird Phobias
Saturday, Aug 29, 2020, 6:30 am
By:James Fraser
Admit it; we all are afraid of something! It is called a phobia. They are mostly harmless. However, some phobias can totally ruin lives. Since celebrities too are humans like us, they have phobias too. Some of our celebs have strange phobias, though. Their fears are so unique that we find them weird. We bet you have not heard about many of these bizarre phobias before! From fearing eggs to hating their reflection in the mirror, here are fifteen top celebrity phobias. Check all the phobias of our stars and tell us which celebrity's fear is the weirdest one! Are you ready? Read on...
10.Nicole Kidman – Fear of Butterflies
People are usually afraid of spiders or cockroaches. Nicole Kidman has an unusual phobia. She is afraid of butterflies! Most people find butterflies cute. She even walked into a butterfly cage and had butterflies on her just to get over the phobia. It didn't work, and she came out running! She said she might even tolerate cockroaches, but not butterflies.

11.Alfred Hitchcock - Fear of Eggs
Alfred Hitchcock, famous English director, is afraid of eggs. You heard it right, eggs! Check his fear towards eggs in his own words: "I'm frightened of eggs, worse than frightened, they revolt me. That white round thing without any holes... have you ever seen anything more revolting than an egg yolk breaking and spilling its yellow liquid? Blood is jolly, red. But egg yolk is yellow, revolting. I've never tasted it."

12.Orlando Bloom – Swinophobia
As the name suggests, swinophobia refers to fear of pigs. Pirates of the Caribbean star Orlando Bloom is seriously afraid of pigs. He was so afraid of pigs that once he screamed and ran like a crazy person when a pig got loose on the sets of Kingdom of Heaven. Swinophobia increases anxiety and pushes sufferers into a panic mode by mere sight of a pig.

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