12 Hilarious Drinking Memes That Are Sure To Make You Laugh
Friday, Aug 14, 2020, 1:29 pm
By:James Fraser
Drinking alcohol is like putting makeup on real life! It hides reality, and it does take people on a euphoric journey. Booze boosts confidence, gives nightmares, makes one happy, or even drives people toward self-harm. Importantly, it roasts the liver and screws up the mind! Despite all the negativity attached to drinking, many people still don't prefer giving up the habit and prepare themselves to embrace all health problems it brings. Well, that's the power of alcohol! Now, let's explore the lighter side of booze with these 12 funny drinking memes.
1.It F*cking Helps!
"I hate people when they say you don't need alcohol to have fun. You don't need running shoes to run but it f*cking helps!"
If you are a boozehound, you better remember these wise words, so you can defend yourself whenever your friends complain that you drink a lot! You don't need alcohol to have fun, but as this meme says, it does spice up the party. Most alcohol parties end in chaos though, as people don't often settle with just a drink or two!

"Motivation cures almost everything, except alcoholism."
Alcoholics are highly motivated! However, their enthusiasm is limited to drinking only, as booze motivates them only to drink more. They may feel inspired while under the influence, but once alcohol effects ward off, all the inspiration suddenly goes missing. The life then looks miserable, and only alcohol can cure that feeling. Sadly, many people are stuck in this frustrating loop.

3.Slurring Your Words
"It's not called slurring your words, it's called talking in cursive, and it's f*cking elegant."
We are sure someone had made this meme when they were totally sloshed! What an epic way to defend drinking! Unless you are a teetotaler who just can't stand drunk people, you will find this drinking meme hilarious. If someone's drunk to the point of slurring, they probably have had way too many drinks. As you may know, stumbling, fumbling, or slurring happens when there's too much alcohol in the bloodstream.

4.Looking At Drunk Texts The Next Morning
Admit it; many of us have been there at some point in our lives! Be it an ex, a crush, or anyone with whom we should avoid awkward conversations; texting them under the alcohol influence makes things worse, and you won't realize the consequences until the morning after! And you just end up with that same cringe face as Jay-Z! There are better things to do while drunk, and sending unwanted drunk texts to people is definitely not one of them.

5.Time To Go Home!
"This is a pretty good sign that it's time to go home!"
Have you ever drunk so much that you started kissing a mask?! What you see in the picture is insane, and it just shows us how badly alcohol screws up people. Just look at how passionately he's kissing that V for Vendetta mask! Don't forget to notice the girl on the extreme right side of the picture! She looks like she just had an orgasm!

6.Trying To Get Drunk People Home!
Retaking smashed friends to their homes is one hell of a task! Not only getting them in and out of the car is difficult, but also dealing with their nuisance during the drive is frustrating. Sometimes, it is hazardous to drive a bunch of drunk people home, even when the driver is sober. Most drunk people are so noisy that they can easily distract the driver with their inappropriate behavior.

7.This Snow White Guy
"I don't care how drunk you have got; you have never woken up as Snow White!"
This meme is by far the best meme on this topic! That's one classic boozer in the picture. We have no idea how that guy ended up in a Snow White costume, but the picture is plain hilarious! Several websites claimed that the man in the picture was a British man in Berlin, and reported that he was arrested for his indecent public behavior.

8.Gotta Catchup
"When you show up late to the turn-up and everybody drunk so you gotta catch up!"
The meme's hilarious, but that's not a smart move at all. Drinking at a rapid pace can get you smashed quickly, so if you drink fast, you will be the first one in your friend's group to pass out! Drinking too fast also causes terrible hangovers, and sometimes even more serious health complications. Drink slowly, one drink at a time, while feasting on some delicious food like pizza to make your drinking experience pleasant.

9.You Good, Bro?
"When you know, you are way too f*cked up, and your friends ask 'you good?'"
Every heavy drinker can relate! It is exactly that moment you know you drank much more than you are supposed to, and you realize the next few hours in your life are going to be extremely rough! What follows next is a bout of dizziness, deep sleep, and a terrible hangover that's about to greet you the morning after!

10.The Power Of Alcohol!
"Alcohol - because no great story ever started with someone eating a salad!"
This is a cool catchphrase, and you are going to like it instantly if you enjoy drinking. As a drinker, you sometimes need to handle teetotalers and their sharp remarks about consuming alcohol. Memes like these come very handy in dealing with such people, as they let you defend alcohol in the sassiest way possible!

11.Alcohol In A Nutshell!
"Alcohol - dignity remover in a bottle."
Most of us do stupid things while under the alcohol influence! Even though you don't exactly do things like what the girl in the picture is doing, you still have your own silly and stupid forms to exhibit during a heavy alcohol drinking session! Alcohol messes up brain's neurotransmitter system and constricts the part of the brain that controls our judgment and assess threats around us. The result? You have it in the picture! Here are some more hilarious images of girls being drunk and passed out.

12.Technically, Alcohol Is A Solution!
Do you love reading puns? If so, you may like this alcohol pun. This chemistry joke is referring to alcohol as a chemical solution as well as an answer to people's problems. Technically speaking, alcohol is not a solution. As you may know, a solution is something that is a mixture of two or more compounds. Alcohol is the name given to a group of organic compounds that contain the likes of ethanol. Pure ethanol isn't a solution, but alcoholic drinks such as vodka, whiskey, and beer can be considered a solution.

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