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How To Get A Flat Stomach

Wednesday, Aug 26, 2020, 4:53 pm


Drink more water. Water flushes out toxins and also keeps your body systems operating fully. Drinking water stops bloating and of course if you suffer from bloating, then you are going to have a stomach, so make sure that you keep hydrated at all times.

2.Smaller Plates

Reduce portion size but eat more meals per day. Eating at around 4pm also stops sugar digs and insulin production. Eat more lean protein per meal and more vegetables, but most importantly avoid being greedy.


Target body areas for exercise like belly and upper thighs. Adding weights will also increase your muscle mass in those areas. If you are concerned about doing too much or not enough, then consider an hour with a personal trainer to get some advice on what to do next.


Do aerobic exercise as aerobic exercise enables one to lose body fat and increase fitness. If you are new to this, then prepare yourself because it is going to exhaust you, so take it easy and work on building up your fitness and that stomach should start to go at the same time.

5.Low Fat

Switch to low fat or no fat dairy options. Dairy is rich in vitamins B and also protein and even though we do need these things in our diet it is important that we regulate it or we are just going to have problems when it comes to getting that flat stomach.

6.No Bedtime Treats

Avoid food two hours before bedtime. Once we go to bed we burn less calories. It may be difficult to avoid those cravings and nighttime snacks, but there is no doubt that if you do this, then you will find it exceptionally difficult to get a flat stomach.

7.Lean Proteins

Eat more lean protein. Lean protein is found in lean meat, fish and beans. Try and eat lean protein with each meal, but be careful as to the quantity that you eat because too much of this can also be bad for you.


8.Avoid sugar.

Sugar creates more insulin, more insulin means less glycogen. Glycogen speeds up metabolism and burns fat more readily. Regulate your sugar intake and you should start to see a difference in a relatively short period of time.

9.Reduce Sodium

Reduce salt and sodium in your diet. Read packets before you buy. Higher salt intake means bloating and water retention. We do need some in our diet, so do not try to eliminate it entirely as that will be counterproductive.


10.Chew Slowly

Chew your food correctly. Chewing tells the brain that it is getting fed now. The result is a feeling of satisfaction quicker, so even if you are famished do not just put as much food as possible into your mouth.

11.Carrots, apples, rice and low fat dairy

Eat low glyceride foods. Low glycemic foods make you feel fuller for longer therefore controlling appetite. Some examples are carrots, lettuce, apples, low fat yoghurt, skim milk, onions, white rice and brown rice.


12.Eat Small

Eat smaller portions. No matter if you are eating the wrong or right foods the most important thing is to reduce portions. Eat little and often rather than trying to just have one large meal a day.


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